To create a new schedule:

  1. Click + New Schedule
  2. The New Schedule screen will appear.  The following configurations will need to be set:
    1. Schedule Name: This is the name of the schedule.  This name will appear in the Menu Builder when associating the schedule to a menu / section / item group / item.
    2. Availability: This contains the day and time period configurations that this schedule applies to.  The Availability setting asks for the following information:
      1. Date(s): Days of the week can be clicked on to indicate which day(s) the schedule applies to
      2. Start Time: This time indicates when the schedule begins to apply at.  Fill in the hour, minute, and am/pm fields for when the schedule start time takes effect.
      3. End Time: This time indicates when the schedule no longer applies.  Fill in the hour, minute, and am/pm fields for when the schedule end time takes effect.
      4. + Add Time Slot: You can add more than one time slot / period that a schedule applies to.  Clicking here will add another set of Dates and Start/End Times that you can set
  3. To create the new schedule once all fields are filled in, click Save Changes.  Otherwise, if you wish to cancel the schedule creation, click Cancel.