To edit an existing schedule:

  1. Click the schedule from the list of Schedules on the screen
  2. The Edit Schedule screen will appear.  The following configurations can be changed:
    1. Schedule Name: This is the name of the schedule.  This name will appear in the Menu Builder when associating the schedule to a menu / section / item group / item.
    2. Availability: This contains the day and time period configurations that this schedule applies to.  The Availability setting asks for the following information:
      1. Date(s): Days of the week can be clicked on to indicate which day(s) the schedule applies to
      2. Start Time: This time indicates when the schedule begins to apply at.  Fill in the hour, minute, and am/pm fields for when the schedule start time takes effect.
      3. End Time: This time indicates when the schedule no longer applies.  Fill in the hour, minute, and am/pm fields for when the schedule end time takes effect.
      4. + Add Time Slot: You can add more than one time slot / period that a schedule applies to.  Clicking here will add another set of Dates and Start/End Times that you can set
        1. If you are looking to remove a time slot, you can click the X icon that appears in the list of dates to remove a time slot
  3. Click Save Changes to confirm the schedule changes.  Otherwise, if you wish to cancel the changes made, click Cancel.