23rd October 2023

New Features

Ready Pay Reporting updates

Any companies using Ready Payments will now have access to two new reports. These reports will only appear when one location at a company transfers to Ready Payments.

These new reports are the Payments and Daily Totals Summary Reports. 


The payments report is a payment ledger. The largest difference between this and the transaction report is that in the payment report, refunds are separate from payments. This means that if a refund is made on a different day to the payment, it will appear on the day the refund was made.

The Payments report can be used to track each payment and refund made with Ready Pay.

Daily Totals Summary

The Daily Totals report collates the day's transactions, and reports on all payment fees for the day. The columns are as follows

  • Amount - This is the total payments minus refunds for the specified location's day (Measured midnight to midnight PST)
  • Processor Fees - These are the fees charged by the card (Visa, Mastercard ETC)
  • Industry Fees - These are the fees charged by Ready Pay
  • Total Fees - Total of Processor and Industry Fees
  • Net - Amount minus fees. This will be the amount that will be transferred into the balance account, to be paid into a bank account.

Note: Users using blended pricing models will only see a "Total fees" column.

The daily totals summary will be available 1-2 days after the day close, to ensure all fees are calculated and applied before displaying.

Ready Pay now works with Square

Ready pay is now able to be used with Square POS.


Fixed Issues

Adjusting POS information for an item in Shared Menus

There was an issue identified where adjusting POS information for an item in shared menus, and then attempting to adjust POS information for another item immediately afterwards caused an error to be thrown. This has now been fixed.