A section can be configured with one item gallery which appears at the top of the section.  Like item galleries for your location or menu-level, you can include up to 5 items/item groups to showcase.  In the example below, We have an item gallery containing Bottle Beer, which is visually different than the other items associated with the standard Beer + Wine section.

To configure a section-level item gallery:

  1. Click the Edit button for the section
  2. To toggle an item gallery on/off, click the On/Off switch next to the Item Gallery heading
  3. To access more gallery settings, click the down arrow icon located to the right of the +Add Items button for the gallery
  4. The expanded item gallery will allow you to configure:
    1. Item Gallery Name (optional, will appear to guests)
    2. Item Gallery Description (optional, will appear to guests)
    3. Gallery Items
      1. To add items, click + Add Items
      2. Using the Add Items screen, search for and select items and/or item groups to add to the gallery
      3. Click Done
    4. Status (to show the gallery to guests, set Status to Enabled)
  5. Click Save Changes
