Have you given any thought to how you could save more time throughout your day? Here at Ready, we focus on the importance of maximizing our quality time by making our lives efficient! Not only do we strive to help diners save an extra ten minutes a meal; we think it's super helpful for people to save time with other everyday tasks as well. Here are a few simple tips to help you save time throughout your day:
Tip #1: Prepare for Your Morning/Day the Night Before
Utilize your evening to prepare for the upcoming day to save anywhere from 10-30 minutes every morning.
Easy ways to prepare the night before include:
- Laying out your outfit
- Setting up the coffee machine
- Showering
- Placing important items by the front door (i.e. shoes, purse, briefcase, etc.)
Tip #2: Utilize Technology
If properly incorporated into your daily activities, technology can help you save hours throughout a busy schedule.
Easy ways to utilize technology include:
- Scheduling daily, weekly & monthly events on Outlook (or other calendars)
- Using GPS to find the quickest route to your destinations
- Learning your devices' shortcuts and
hot keys - Using the Ready app to plan and pay for lunch/dinner (available in the App Store and Google Play) See what we did there? ;)
Tip #3: Invest the Time
You know the saying "it takes money to make money"? Well, the same applies to time. Sometimes you have to put in the time now to save minutes and even hours in the future.
Easy ways to invest the time include:
- Writing out a day schedule/plan
- Researching ways to save time that fit your lifestyle
- Organizing/simplifying things at home, your office, your files, tasks etc.
- Preparing for the next day/event ahead of schedule
Life can get pretty chaotic from time to time; sometimes our enthusiasm for all the things we want to accomplish can snowball fairly quickly. I know some of you really do not enjoy planning out your life and prefer to keep it spontaneous, but I think we can all agree that running out of time can get really stressful! Take these time-saving tips to heart and maybe, just maybe, you'll live a happier, healthier life.
Where spontaneity can be alluring and sexy, too much of it becomes unmanageable. Can you imagine sharing a life with someone who has no pattern, like zero predictability? Where it's kinda cute to watch kids and babies run amok (because they don't know any better), you get tired of it pretty quickly and really wish their mommy would take the little monster home. I think the same goes for grown-ass adults. You can't really have a stable relationship with someone whose life is just a constant mess. So take charge of your time and be an organized human.
Happy hunting!