4 Ways Technology Is Improving Our Dining Experience

[fa icon="calendar"] 7/29/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team


Eating has always been a favourite pastime for us humans and eating out with friends is one of the most enjoyable activities we do regularly. So it's pretty exciting technology is allowing us iron out the wrinkles for that experience. It's easy to forget all the awful times we've had waiting in hour-long lineups and 40 minute waits just to pay the bill because the social aspect of dining with friends help cushion the heartache we all suffer from some restaurant experiences. But what if we can remove all the bits that annoy us? OMG heaven!

There's still a ways to go before we completely eliminate all the pain points of a restaurant experience, but it certainly is moving in the right direction. Here are a few ways we think things are definitely improving in this space thanks to technology:

1. Payments

Of all the ways technology has made modern life simpler, none has been so elegant as the end to waiting for the check after a meal. Ever wish you could pay for your meal like you did for your Uber—automatically and right away? Apps like Ready gives a fresh definition to the "dine and dash" by letting you easily pay at the table with just two taps of your mobile phone.

2. Smart Reservations

Boston based startup Rezzit21 takes restaurant reservations to the next level by allowing diners to select the exact table in a restaurant where they would like to sit, and also presenting them with a list of menu options they can pre-order. So if you want a round of Manhattans and appetizers waiting on your table when you arrive, it’s done.

3. Beacons

Beacons are a mobile phone technology that works on Bluetooth to provide location-based information to apps. App developers have run with this technology to create more contextual experiences for restaurant goers. It's allowed everything from sending targeted deals (20% off your favorite dish, anyone?) to rewarding diners for spending time in restaurants.

4. Improved Service

Gone are the days of suffering a meal in silence. Technology, and the rise of review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor, has heralded the rise of consumer complaining power. A simple search now allows diners to read an array of reviews from other customers before making a decision about their meal. Restaurant owners now have an additional incentive to ensure a positive dining experience for their customers, which includes training staff, improving delivery times, and using the aforementioned tools to delight customers.

Topics: Restaurant Tech

Ready Team

Written by Ready Team