Amber Buttner, Business Development

[fa icon="calendar"] 6/28/17 4:06 PM / by Ready Team

Amber is the ultimate relationship builder. Meeting restaurateurs and clients alike, she's out there spreading the word on Ready's mission in the industry.


Hey Amber! Tell us about yourself.

I'm a foodie and haven't bought groceries in over a year since - all I do is eat out. I'll eat just about anything, and my drink of choice is whiskey. I'm a social person and love bringing people together. I was a synchronized swimmer for twelve years. I'm clumsy and uncoordinated, so my parents felt the water was a safe place for me! I have a great sense of humor and feel laughter cures all, especially when you can laugh at yourself. I love the outdoors, camping, fishing, hiking, biking, kayaking, beaching - all the typical West coast activities. I'm very passionate about philosophy and invest a lot of time in personal growth courses. I enjoy the little things in life. Anything can make my day and that makes for many great days.

What did you do in your past life?

I've worn many hats in the hospitality industry as a GM, server, bartender, marketing, events, and promotions. I've had so many jobs and most of the time multiple at once. What can I say - I like to hustle! 

You’re from the industry! What changes would you like to see happen in this space?

I would love to see the profession of servers and bartenders embraced as a career. They play a very important role in the culture of our cities. There is a lot of money to be made working in the hospitality industry, more than the average day job, so why not embrace it? What would the guest experience be like without servers and bartenders? I don't even want to imagine that. 

Why do you love working for Ready?

What's not to love?! My team is a rad bunch of individuals and it never feels like I'm coming to work. I get to listen and speak for an industry I'm passionate about, from a technology angle. Collaborating with a team of developers and designers who genuinely care about the people who will be using our tech is quite amazing. 

Want to chat with Amber yourself? Get in touch with her at  Stay tuned for more info on the rest of the Ready team!

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Ready Team

Written by Ready Team