Get Healthier in 10 Minutes or Less

[fa icon="calendar"] 9/27/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team


 The most effective way to meet any goal, experts say, is through a series of tiny changes. 

Improve your health with these things that take ten minutes or less to do:

In the kitchen:

  • Out of sight, out of mind: Re-arrange your fridge shelves. Put healthy things in front and less healthy things in back. Put tempting foods like boxes of cereal in the pantry behind closed doors. Set a fruit bowl out.
  • Food Prep: Make a salad to take for your lunch. Wash and chop veggies and fruit and bag for lunches. Plan a meatless Monday menu.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Use these quick breakfast ideas
  • Have a snack: Eat an apple, banana, handful of nuts or relax and have a glass of water, or hot or iced tea. Eat a cup of yogurt.


  • Take a walk around the block.
  • Play with your children or walk the dog.
  • While watching t.v., get up during each commercial and do something. This is a great way to clean the house in short increments and you'll be moving.
  • Put on music and dance or try these 10 minute total body workouts. You don't even have to do the exact workouts. It is motivational and you are moving if you just turn one on and do your own thing. It is workout music, you are moving, and it feels like you are working out with someone. So easy!

Other things you can do:

  • Call and make that doctor's appointment that you have been putting off.
  • Weigh yourself and check your blood pressure.
  • Close your eyes and relax for ten minutes or buy an adult colouring book to work on.
  • Take a multi-vitamin. 
  • Read some food labels.
  • Get to bed ten minutes earlier and then increase it by 10 minutes each week if you really tend to stay up too late.
  • Study an online menu before you go out to eat. Knowing what you are going to order ahead of time makes it easier to choose something healthy.

These are just a few ideas. You'll think of more as you get in the ten-minute habit way of thinking. Small changes add up to big rewards! 

How do you find extra 10 minutes every day to get healthier? Use Ready to pay at restaurants. So simple.  :)

- Ready Team

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Ready Team

Written by Ready Team