How Self-Pay Apps Can Save You Time

[fa icon="calendar"] 9/1/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team


 Eating out can always be a treat. It's a great way to catch up with friends or try something new. For waiters and waitresses, restaurant jobs can be a great, sustainable way of making some extra money. But it can be a hassle for both sides when it comes to paying the bill. Here's how using self-pay apps can improve your restaurant experience.

With self-pay apps, you can:

Leave whenever you want.

You no longer have to wait around for your bill, and then wait even more time to get your credit card back. With self-pay apps, you can be out the door on your own time.

Avoid the calculator.

Don't wrestle with your confusing, smart phone calculator when trying to figure out the tip. Self-pay apps can figure it out for you.

Get rid of extra litter.

Purses and wallets can be easily filled up with all kinds of extra gunk: gum wrappers, business cards, and especially, receipts. You can make physical receipts a thing of the past by using self-pay apps, which can keep an electronic receipt for you.

Keep your card.

You'll never have to part with your credit card again. It stays with you at all times, so you don't have to worry about it when the waiter takes it away.

Let your waiter focus on something else.

Self-pay apps can add relief to busy servers. Your waiter will no longer have to worry about fetching or picking up the bill. Instead, he can focus on putting his efforts on more important tasks, like whether you wanted pickles on that or not.

Split bills with ease.

Forgot to tell your waitress you wanted to split the bill? Avoid the hassle. Pay what you need, whenever you need, with self-pay apps.

Itching to try a self-pay app? If you're ready, try Ready.

- Zoran

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Ready Team

Written by Ready Team