Restaurateurs Looking For Servers Can Do Without and Still Turn More Tables

[fa icon="calendar"] 7/20/18 1:03 PM / by Stephanie Boyle

Vancouver, BC - July 12, 2018 - In a new wave of fewer employable workers, where potential hire-able serving staff are hard to come by, restaurant owners in Vancouver are now simply doing without. Robert Shore of the Vancouver Sun reports that “for every four employees that leave the B.C. workforce, only three workers are coming to take their places, leaving tens of thousands of unfilled jobs."

As a table-top payment service, Ready eliminates repetitive cashier duties that can take up to 25% of a server’s time, meaning that fewer employees are needed to staff any dining establishment. With no app download necessary, diners can simply scan a QR code using their smartphone camera, proceed to the payment screen, and pay their food and beverage bill; all without a server being physically involved. This allows minimal staff to monitor larger sections, earn more tips, and provide guests with a quality dine-in experience. It also enables restaurant owners to operate with smaller staff sizes while succeeding far above their breakeven.

“Our mission is to make service jobs more enjoyable and lucrative so, that employees will stay longer in that job or with that company,” says Zoran Kovacevic, CEO of Ready. “Restaurateurs can create more value with fewer people and retain their best employees, which translates into exceptional guest experiences and business success.”

Interested in how Ready lowers labor costs?


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Media Contact

Stephanie Boyle 
Manager, Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: 866.888.8170 ext 2436

About Ready

Ready is transforming the restaurant experience with a new way to pay and connect with restaurants – right on your phone. With Ready, restaurants can save on labor costs, guest can save time, and servers make more tips. Learn more at 

Shutterstock / V Stephenson

Topics: Restaurant Tech, Restaurant Experience

Stephanie Boyle

Written by Stephanie Boyle