The 2018 Factbook for Restaurant Mobile Payments

[fa icon="calendar"] 11/15/17 12:47 PM / by Ready Team

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Even with the rapid evolution of how we pay for everyday things, many restaurants still rely upon an antiquated system for billing customers that can be an enormous waste of time for everyone involved. 

While the old-fashioned check system can leave a customer waiting long after a meal is finished, it can also substantially slow down a waiting staff and ultimately limit the number of customers a restaurant can serve. But even though agitating customers over the bill process is a time-honored tradition, new mobile payment systems offer a restaurant a way to improve a fundamental part of the dining experience. Here is a look at why restaurants across the board are looking at how mobile payments can improve business for 2018.

The tide is rapidly shifting.

The mobile payments trend has already gained a lot of steam and appears to be ready to accelerate even further. A substantial percentage of restaurants have already made the switch to at least some form of mobile payments and about one-third of overall restaurants are expected to have mobile payment options by the start of 2018, which paints a clear picture of the future of the industry. Consumers have quickly gotten on board as well, with about 40% of customers with smart phones already showing interest in using mobile payments for dining.

It's also very clear that every industry that has to handle personal payment information will have its cybersecurity tested sooner or later, which is why security is one of the main reasons restaurants are turning to mobile billing options. Mobile platforms can have the ability to scramble a customer's credit card information before it gets to the restaurant's main system, providing a vital improvement to payment security that can help protect customers. With mobile payment tech continuing to proliferate for a variety of reasons, businesses that don't make the shift by the end of 2018 could be at a critical disadvantage as more and more customers start to expect a mobile payment option.

Making it easy on groups.

One of the biggest time-wasters in a restaurant can occur when a large group looks to pay the bill, which not only can lead to frustrated customers but can put a strain on the waiting staff as well. Because of the many different possible combinations for a large group, the bill often becomes a tangled mess that increases the chances of an error while also keeping a table occupied for longer than it needs to be. Instead of trying to split the bill with a handful of credit cards and some rough math, a customer can get a bill sent straight to his or her phone and easily divide it up with other guests afterwards. With a digital copy of the bill and the ability to adjust the tip right on a phone, similar to using a ride-share program, groups can avoid ending the dining experience with a headache.

The positive impact of mobile payments has also been quickly felt around the restaurant industry. Many restaurants have already been reporting a noteworthy increase in tips, directly reflecting the positive impact on the customer experience. Considering that groups tend to turn up at the busiest times for a restaurant, mobile payments can be a tremendous win-win that benefits all parties involved and brings restaurants in line with other industries already experiencing the upside of going mobile.

The convenience factor.

Even with an experienced and attentive staff, it's always possible that a customer will be ready wrap up while a waiter or waitress is busy. Particularly for professionals who need to get back to work, a delay in the bill can be a complete deal-breaker that can lead to a lower tip and an experience not worth repeating. With the best mobile payment tech available heading into 2018, however, customers can remain on their own schedule by paying their bill instantly through an app on their phone, letting them head out as soon as they're ready. Adding to the convenience, customers don't have to have their credit cards with them at all and can even use a smart watch, making mobile payments ideal for any customers regularly on the move. For business clientele, automatically storing a copy of the bill makes expense reports a breeze and completely eliminates the need to rely on a paper copy. A restaurant that adopts mobile payments will have a leg up in both the short and longer term as the digital revolution continues.

Using mobile payments for promotions and menu viewing.

Connecting with customers and encouraging loyalty can make a huge impact on a restaurant's bottom line, which is why mobile payments can be a crucial link between a restaurant and a customer. While automatically getting a copy of the bill is a great way to ensure accuracy, an app can be an easy way to slip customers a promotion or let them scan the menu as they wait for a table. This can allow bars and restaurants to promote signature drinks, dinner specials, happy hours and more, giving a customer incentive to make a return trip. Mobile payments can even provide accurate wait times and let a customer know when a table is ready, completely bypassing the need for cumbersome paging systems. With restaurants always trying to get the word out about features, mobile payment apps can be just another great way to for a restaurant to communicate with a customer base.

Turning around a bad customer experience.

Even the very best restaurants in the world have the occasional bad experience, but it doesn't necessarily have to stay that way. One of the biggest reasons for a restaurant to go mobile for 2018 is to remain connected with a dissatisfied customer, allowing a manager to make a crucial bill adjustment that could be a game-changer. Correcting a bill may only be a matter of a few dollars in some cases, although the effort can go a long way in warding off a bad review and possibly even bringing a customer back. With that type of control over a customer's bill, a manager has an expanded set of tools to help turn even disgruntled diners into loyal customers ready to give a restaurant a second chance.

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Topics: Restaurant Tech, Restaurant Experience

Ready Team

Written by Ready Team