When you own a restaurant, preparing outstanding meals, attending to customers and delivering the best customer service is usually top of mind. These are all important things to focus on but often times what is also just as critical to success is constantly evaluating staff. Part of that is taking into account how well your business's technology is suited for the latest in technological development.
Ready Team
Recent Posts
Is Your Staff or Your Technology a Bigger Drain on Your Restaurant's Productivity?
[fa icon='calendar'] 10/31/17 3:00 PM / by Ready Team posted in Restaurant Tech
Technology's Role in Restaurants: Social or Antisocial?
[fa icon='calendar'] 10/28/17 12:00 AM / by Ready Team
Technology is becoming more and more a part of our lives, and this kind of change which has been increasing in recent years can often make people a little worried about whether this effect is negative, especially when it comes to major social events like eating in restaurants. Here’s a look at whether technology in restaurants has a pro-social or antisocial effect on culture, overall.
Making Your Customer Date Nights Unforgettable
[fa icon='calendar'] 10/7/17 7:43 AM / by Ready Team posted in Restaurant Experience
From shy first dates to tenth wedding anniversaries, couples at every stage of their relationships have been coming to restaurants for date nights for centuries. The tradition of romantic dinners is as old as the existence of restaurants themselves so it's no wonder that many venues strive to create the kind of service, ambiance, and consideration necessary to make couples feel like they are the only two people in the world even in a busy dining room.
The Best and Worst Thing About Restaurant Line-Ups
[fa icon='calendar'] 10/3/17 10:17 PM / by Ready Team posted in Restaurant Experience
The Ready team hits the streets of Vancouver to gauge how people fee about waiting in line at a restaurant? Is there even a positive part?
Amber Buttner, Business Development
[fa icon='calendar'] 6/28/17 4:06 PM / by Ready Team posted in Insider
Amber is the ultimate relationship builder. Meeting restaurateurs and clients alike, she's out there spreading the word on Ready's mission in the industry.
Get Ready Vancouver for Happy Customers, Improved Profits & More Productive Waitstaff
[fa icon='calendar'] 11/15/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team posted in Insider
Vancouver is a vibrant city. Whether a visit to a casino, a walk along the sea wall or a Canucks, Lions or White Caps game, there is always something to do. And there are many choices for dining in Vancouver. How do you make your restaurant stand out? Get Ready to wow your customers.
Generate Revenue & Gain Tech Savvy Diners with Ready
[fa icon='calendar'] 11/8/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team posted in Insider
Ready helps increase profit margins
If you’ve been in the restaurant business for any length of time you know the key to turning a profit is table turnover. The trick to expanding your margins is to increase table turnover during peak hours. Ready to Pay can help.
Because You've Got Places to Be: Use Self-Pay
[fa icon='calendar'] 11/1/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team posted in Insider
You decided to have a nice sit down meal before you go to the 7pm showing of the latest blockbuster flick. You thought you had allowed enough time to have a chill dinner and still make it on time for the movie. But remember Murphy's law? Things might not turn out exactly like you planned.
How Using Technology to Improve Guest & Server Experience Works
[fa icon='calendar'] 10/27/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team posted in Insider
Many restaurants in Europe have been using the technology for years of bringing a device to the table to pay the check. What is nice about this is the security of your card never leaving your hand. What is still bad about this is having to depend on the server to bring the device for checkout. It is still a catch the server's eye game.
Easy Ways to Entertain Your Kids at a Restaurant
[fa icon='calendar'] 10/25/16 12:00 PM / by Ready Team posted in Insider
"What's Taking So Long?"
Sometimes it takes a while to get your food in a restaurant and if your children are being squirmy, it might be a challenge to keep them occupied while you wait. If the restaurant doesn't offer crayons and a place mat with puzzles and pictures to colour, you'll need a plan!